The Science of Love
Rhizome | Emoticon, Emoji,
Text: Pt. 1, I Second That Emoticon
/////////////// H U M/A N /// C O M P/U T E R ////: META MODERN MANIFESTO
nakasthelhun: the anguish and mutuality of touch
Networks thrive in complexity | Harold Jarche
{dramatic gasp}: The art of self destruction – 101
tenatuntitled: KalhuSai Bow Meehunge Ihthihard #KSBMI: 01 – iru medhu jehun
male’ magu mathee 02
male’ magu mathee 01
noish (( oscar martin )): Institución_RS >> /dev/dsp
The Affection Research Lab
Pamphlet By Maldivian Islamist Party That Triggered Coup Against Reformist President Nasheed: ‘No Law Contrary to Islam Can Be Enacted in the Maldives’; Government Taught ‘Good Things About the Jews’
{dramatic gasp}: Pain
Fooducate | eat a bit better
Hillman Curtis
Blog | #Bandu | | you&me
The Island President
Tharujamaanu – ތަރުޖަމާނު
The Verge interview: David Carr on curation, crowdsourcing, and the future of journalism | The Verge
Jack Maquet (jackmaquet) on Pinterest
Love Hotels and Unicode
Hulhevi Media | Human Stories In Moving Images
Crime Map – Maldives Police Service
the vacuum cleaner – the artist and activist collective of one.
sun tzu platoon #mvcoup
Hilath Online: I don’t feel too Maldivian now
Response to an open letter to Endhimariyambu
Freedom Watch Maldives: Guidelines on uploading YouTube videos for Maldivian community
Circle of Maldives
Metaphysical Rebellion
Maldives Art and Flag-scapes – Modern Coup Period – Maldives Culture
Satirical and Serious 2 – Modern Coup Period Art – Maldives Culture
Satirical and Serious 1 – Modern Coup Period Art – Maldives Culture
Street and Majlis – Modern Coup Period – Maldives Culture
The Nexus of Evil – The Perpetrators of the Coup | Facebook
Maldives’ Climate Champion President Forced To Resign At Gunpoint
dhivehi bavana: Drama on high seas: How 1988 Maldives coup leaders were held
dhivehi bavana: ހިމޭން އިންގިލާބު-2013 އަތްމަތީ ފޮތް
#Maldives shows Arab revolutions ridding dictators takes decades
Translation: ‘President Nasheed’s devious plot to destroy the Islamic faith of Maldivians’
The Nexus of Evil – The Perpetrators of the Coup
Muju Naeem: Insaafuge Dhathuru – “Occupy Raalhugandu” – 29th Feb – Day 13
26:13:31:37 since the coup in maldives. call for immediate elections!
އައްޑޫސިޓީއާއި ފުވައްމުލައް ފައިބާ އޮޕްޓިކަލް ކޭބަލަކުން ގުޅައިލުމުގެ މަސައްކަތް ދިރާގުން ފަށައިފި
ބ. އަތޮޅު އޮފީސްތައް ޓެކްނޮލޮޖީ އާ އެހާ ދުރީ ކީއްވެ؟
With Internet penetration growing steadily in the Maldives (currently about 20 percent according to the CIA World Book of Facts), the web is quickly becoming the Maldivians’ medium of choice for exercising their freedom of speech. The Maldives Project will build upon this foundation by teaching the students multimedia skills so that they can tell their stories not only through writing but through video production, audio slideshows and blogging.
NSS takes control of Immigration and Human Resources Data Centers
My Digital Sanctuary: Amazing, NCIT. Way to go forward..
ސަން: ‘ރާއްޖެ ރޭޑިއޯ’ގެ ފްރިކުއެންސީގެ ނަމަކީ ‘ދިވެހި ރާއްޖޭގެ އަޑު’: ކޮމިއުނިކޭޝަން އޮތޯރިޓީ
ސަން: އެންސީއައިޓީގެ ބެލުމުގެ ދަށުން ބޯޑާ ކޮންޓްރޯލް ސިސްޓަމް ކުރިޔަށްގެންދަން ސަރުކާރުން ނިންމައިފި
ސަން: ހުއްދަ ނެތި އެއްވެސް އޮފީހެއްގައި ހުރި ލިޔުމާއި އޯޑިއޯވީޑިއޯ ނައްތާލައިފި ނަމަ ގާނޫނީ ފިޔަވަޅު އަޅާނެ ކަމަށް ހޯމް މިނިސްޓްރީން ބުނެފި
ހަވީރު އޮންލައިން: އީގަވަމެންޓްގެ ތިން ހިދުމަތެއް އިފްތިތާހުކޮށްފި
Mobile Number Portability in South Asia by Tahani Iqbal
Forever online: Your digital legacy
Safeguarding privacy in the digital age _ Justice and citizens rights –
National Education Technology Plan 2010
Recognizing Propaganda–Guide to Critical Thinking
Guardian Activate 2011: Live coverage from New York | Media |
Twitter / @Hamid Shafeeu: Dhiraagu usage limits, eff …
Networked_Performance — Florian Cramer’s Floppy Films
within&beyond: “All objectivisation is conceptual, all conceptuality is inference,…
An Existential Life: Does Objective Reality Exist, or is the Universe a Phantasm?
Interpersonal relationship
Apple, Google Collect User Data
Termites eat millions of Indian rupees in bank
Telescopic Text © Joe Davis 2008
Internet Usage Guideline
Comcast Rolls Out 105 Mbps ‘Extreme’ Broadband Service for $105
Digital information will grow to 1.2 zettabytes this year: IDC study
We Know You Are Watching: Surveillance Camera Players 1996-2006
The Threat Of Internet Censorship In India
Evolution of Language Takes Unexpected Turn
Nassos K. Tumblr: 50 Reasons Not To Date A Graphic Designer
Learning From Leaves
6 Threats to Free and Open Access to the Internet
Constant connection
List of cognitive biases – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Robot Wisdom pages reboots as an open government platform
Sergio Albiac. Artistic experiments in new and traditional media
Nassos K. Tumblr: Prisoners?
New laser technology could revolutionize communications
Wataniya Hate – 53% People Agree (42 opinions)
Dhiraagu Hate – 83% People Agree (90 opinions)
map of humanity
[PDF] Emergency communications initiatives for disaster management in Maldives
Effects of Tsunami and future plans for Emergency Telecommunications in the Maldives
ICT-related projects for Maldives (2000 to 2009)
Country Paper – Maldives – International Conference on Good
Collection and Dissemination of ICT Statistics for Maldives via ITU
World day against cyber-censorship – 12 March 2011