Great ideas come from great discussion.

Take 2 on collaborative ”groupkoh visnun.”

me:  groupkoh visnun

ayesh:  checking doc

Sent at 4:29 PM on Monday

ayesh:  v. good initiative

what are we going to visnaa about?

me:  we are at a very early stage of this phenomena [khaarisaa?]

What soundtrack? music for today

Droid Sans, nice font.

yes it is. Droid sans you look nice. a lazy dog would have no trouble jumping over you.

this is real work. (IMAN: LOL. tht’ll make a nice t-shirt)

another phenomena is happening: itunes headah olheynee like a casette role. need digital pencil to correct?

too many characters. this is for real thesis. time for a cigarette break. Go to and search for cigarette (type in dhivehi)

fuck. that is a real task. on the job

click on the Discussions button on the top right. the comments appear nicely.

yeah can see

iman: HELLO! what is the purpose of this doc? i do not understand. but i think i like it tht way. so mysterious =p umm, ALSO i shall finally get around to finishing the last illos for dhaa project yay. can i talk abt that here? can? CAN LA!

can lah, anything goes.

target: 100ways + 50illos  we can do it ppl

nattey / iman / ayesh

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