Naaru would like to invite you to contribute for the October issue of the publication. Please see below for more details:
About Naaru:
Naaru is a bilingual platform for individuals interested in exploring the dynamic relationships formed by the interplay of social, political, cultural, and aesthetic relationships within the context of the continuously changing landscape of contemporary Maldives.
Naaru exists because while a number of mediums for expression exist in print and online form, what is missing, we believe, is a lack of alternative perspectives. The dominant media organisations are embedded with entrenched interests and we, as an independent publication, intend to disrupt the status quo and its hegemonic discourse.
Naaru is the cultural vein that traces through a mine of rich ideas; the pulse of what is new, what is forbidden, what is left unsaid, what should be said.
Naaru exists for those who wish to change, how we talk about, the things we talk about.
Naaru exists for those who can show us the world through many lenses, and not just one.
Naaru exists for those who believe that expression—be it through the written word, or visual media—is an act of resistance.
Submission and Deadline:
You may submit your contributions throughout October. The theme for this month is ‘Naaru’:
(b/n)aaru, (kun)naaru, (hu)naaru, naa(fu)r(aalh)u
nerve (n.): … Sense of “fibers that convey impulses between the brain and the body” is from c.1600. Figurative sense of “feeling, courage” is first attested c.1600; that of “courage, boldness” is from 1809; “impudence, cheek” is 1887. Nerves “nervousness” is attested from 1839; to get on someone’s nerves is from 1903. War of nerves “psychological warfare” is from 1940. (
nerve (v.)
c.1500, “to ornament with threads;” see nerve (n.). Meaning “to give strength or vigor” is from 1749. Related: Nerved; nerving. (
We welcome submissions in all varieties of media – i.e. articles, book/film/documentary reviews, interviews, profiles, humorous pieces, music/soundscapes, photographic contributions, or works of art.
Submissions should include the contributor’s name or pseudonym, a two to three sentence biography (optional), and links to personal twitter or blog accounts (optional).
To submit, or if you have any questions about submitting to Naaru, please e-mail us at
We look forward to receiving your submissions.