Phillip Stearns over at Year of the Glitch recently remixed an intothecontinuum GIF. From what I am aware of no one has ever done an edit of any of my posts before, and I have never edited anyone else. So, I did a remix of the remix, which is shown above. Its what would result from transforming his edit into log-polar coordinates.
See the original post here, and the Year of the Glitch edit here.
Mathematica code:
Remix := Import["yearoftheglitchremix.gif"]
f[x_, y_] := {Log[Sqrt[x^2 + y^2]], ArcTan[x, y]}
Part[Remix, j],
f[#[[1]], #[[2]]] &,
DataRange -> {{-1.2 Pi, 1.2 Pi}, {-1.2 Pi, 1.2 Pi}}],
{j, 1, 18, 1}]]A remix of a remix …