Mobile Number Portability in South Asia by Tahani Iqbal
“Mobile Number portability (MNP), a feature present in most developed telecom markets around the world, is now making its way into the developing telecom markets of South Asia. Unlike the conditions that exist in the mature environments of the western world, however, market structures, pricing mechanisms and even customer phone use behaviours are vastly different in the emerging South Asian markets. As such, the preconditions necessary for the success of this service and its potential implications will be largely different in this region”
Maldives: “The small island-nation considered introducing the facility and conducted a feasibility study in October 2007, but gave up on the idea because the excessive financial costs outweighed the expected benefits (Galpaya, 2008).”
“Given the limited size of the population alone, the regulatory agency, Telecom Authority of Maldives (TAM), made a good decision by withdrawing the plans to implement the facility”