Raving of a Bitch: Prejudice and Hypocrisy
People in this century really should be careful of what they say on the social networks. It’s something like be careful what you wish for. But in this case it’s more like be careful about what you say to the public or in just general. Everyone’s view is different and so is mine. Let me tell you what I saw on the fateful night.
Okay. Lets see what really happened on that fateful night. Some of the #mvtweeps were trying to make #typicalmaldivians a trend on twitter. This caught my attention and I just sat there watching all the epic tweets. Then one particular guy said “#typicalmaldivians label girls “sluts” for having a sense of style!”. Some people retweeted this. Why you ask? Well its true dude. You can’t judge a book by its cover and neither can you call her a slut by what she wears.
Then there was another guy who said “That is not called a style! They dress wanting to be a SLUT!! hithun beynun vany SLUT akah vaan! ehen buny ma goasvaany aharun!” and “most of the “Maldivian girls”, TYPICAL “MALDIVIAN GIRLS” dress wanting to be sluts!!!” So does that mean if I want to become a diver I should just dress like one and will be a diver?? WWWhooaaa Man! How easy is that?? ROFL! You crack me up dude!When you are calling her a slut, do you even know what a slut really means? Let me enlighten you. “Slut or slattern is a pejorative term meaning an individual who is sexually promiscuous. The term is generally applied to women and used as an insult or offensive term of disparagement, meaning “dirty or slovenly."” Am I seeing it right? Did I see anything that says anything about the clothing? Hell no! If you saw something like that in the definition, I would suggest that you take a hike or either visit eyecare – see the world better! What am trying to say is you can’t say what a person is really like depending on the clothing he/she is sporting. You can call someone a slut by what she DOES, not by what she WEARS. Know what you are talking about before saying all this and that and making a fool out of yourself. Don’t be so prejudicious.
The actual fun hypocritical climax is actually in the following part.
While everyone else argued on the point of that guy being prejudicious, there was one guy who was trying to “preach” everyone else. I am not an atheist, I do believe in the Islamic religion. However I am not saying that I am turning a blind eye to a religious point of view. Yes, dressing in such revealing clothes is prohibited in our religion, but truly how many of these people actually follow these rules? These rules are gods law. It is upto oneself to follow these rules, and it is another fellow person who knows about religion to teach others. The hypocritical guy had said “its oki. Just don’t say things regarding religious stuff. its a must for ppl who know to teach others.” Ok so he says he knows, then why is he preaching those mvtweeps, while his girlfriend exceeds the rest of us? The short shorts? The plunging neckline though her package isn’t that big?(pardon my rudeness) WTF is that dude?? Those people were just people on a social network! But your girlfriend is the closest person to you! Shouldn’t you be starting from her than the others? How ironic. The problem isn’t you knowing more than the others, or you preaching others. It’s actually very kind of you to try and teach the people who don’t know anything. Hats off to you dude. On that matter only. But do you think people will try to believe what you had said? No. Know why? It’s outrageous when you try to preach others when your girlfriend is a “slut” (please notice that it is slanted and underlined, according to the argument of that night, your girl also comes under that category and you have argued to make that point a true statement) Gee. I wonder how she would have felt if she saw all those tweets. Her own boyfriend stating her as a slut. Tsk tsk. Shame on you.
I quote another fellows statement “#TypicalMaldivians point their fingers at other people while their own hands are dirty.” This applies to you dude. The hypocritical one. Do the ablution before you “preach” others.
Before I end my ravings I just want to say, thank you mvtweeps who has given me the inspiration to rave about something. You guys truly are the best.