Having a go at trying to figure out how many access points are deployed , where and how accessible they are… this is just run one!! and tagged over 1600 access points…much more to go…. i will put the full list for download once i am done… at least with the major roads and other roads that i feel like having a go on
any thoughts?
things i have noticed…
– lots of default SSID’s
– lots of open Points..
– lots of points with default passwords
– lots of points with easy to guess passwords (1111111111, 1234567890, wifi, password)
– lots of points with WEP security which is easily breakable if you know what ur doing…
UPDATE: have done quite a bit more… final image looks like this… some empty splotches on the map.. couldnt be bothered to do it now.. maybe later.. now for some analysis!!! toodles…total count of SSID’s is just over 4500…. not too bad.. considering it was done without high gain equipment…