The language in this book ripped my arms off and fucked me with them. The language in this book made me pregnant with a dictionary and then fucked me with the dictionary and made me pregnant again and then melted my foetus with one sentence that was also a foetus.
This is a really great book with a niche market. It is a niche market because it has been released through a small press which means that not many people will read it because not many copies have been printed.
WHY WON’T THE BIG PUBLISHERS TAKE A CHANCE ON THIS BOOK?!!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!?!
It is more interesting and different and alternative than a lot of the books published by the big publishers. I am trying to impress the writer of the book with this review because there is a good chance that I know him/her, or if I don’t know him/her then I would like to know him/her because I am in awe of him/her, which is another reason I am writing this review.
I want this review to be in a way a bit like a piece of creative writing, rather than a straightforward review, because more than likely I have fiction aspirations of my own. Hopefully someone will review one of my books or chapbooks or internet things in return, which would be great.
I think that all reviews are bullshit, but I am writing one.
In conclusion, this is a book that I love but no-one will ever read, and I am so angry about this.