
Radiohead: Lotus Flower (from the new album, The King of Limbs) – Yes, I know. Desperately unoriginal. Before the day is out, everyone in the world (well, everyone on Tumblr at least) will have reblogged this a million times. But here, at least, is why I’m posting it here: (i) it’s Radiohead, and try as I might to hate them for the very fact that they’re Radiohead and so inspire thousands of words of gushing musical laudation, I can’t; (ii) the music showcased here is eerie, somewhere between their glitchy electronic material and their more traditionally band-oriented sound, and it’s unsettling (which is a good thing, incidentally); (iii) Thom Yorke is dancing, if you can call it that, while wearing a bowler hat – this is a man who is clearly not afraid to prick the bubble of ‘serious artiste’ mystery that surrounds him by doing a bad impersonation of a busking mime artist in your local shopping centre; (iv) the video seems to be filmed in either a deserted tube station or a bunker; (v) if you close your eyes and listen, that higher register he’s singing in sounds unnervingly like Jimmy Somerville on occasion (okay, I admit that may not be such a good thing).

an insult to ian curtis  & michael stipe 

also see prostheticknowledge 

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